Can I set up gambling limits for my account?

1 min. readlast update: 02.28.2024

Indeed, we offer a variety of different options from our limits page that you can set up to control your gambling. We offer the following limits here.

Deposit limit, sets a limit on how much deposits you can make for the chosen currency each day/week/month.

Loss limit, stops play after x amount of losses has been made in the set currency per day/week/month.

Wagering limit, tracks how much has been played for in set currency and stops play when x amount is reached per day/week/month. Please note that you can easily wager for example €100 without your actual balance changing all too much.

Session limit, sets a limit on how long you can play in one go before you are logged out from the site, you will be able to log back in once again to play a new session

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