I made a deposit in the wrong network, what should I do?

1 min. readlast update: 02.27.2024

Here is the list of situations in which we can try to recover a cross-chain deposit:

  • BTC -> BCH (we cannot recover BCH to BTC)

  • BTC <-> LTC

  • Supported ERC20 tokens <-> ETH

  • BEP20 -> ERC20 (supported tokens)

  • TRX <-> USDTT (Tether/USDT TRC20)

  • XRP or BNB sent without destination tag/memo

In all other occasions, there is nothing we can really do about cross-chain deposits. Unfortunately, this is a technical limitation imposed by the crypto payment provider we're working with.


We strongly encourage you to double-check all fields when making a deposit.

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