Why can’t I play my bonus?/Why my free spins are not displayed in the game they were issued in?

1 min. readlast update: 06.03.2024

Free spins will only work when a certain currency is chosen, so make sure you have set the correct currency. 

To determine the currency in which you've received your bonus, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Bonus Hub by using the provided link: https://primewin.com/bonus-hub. This section of the website will display all bonuses associated with your account.

  • Once you're in the Bonus Hub, locate the bonus you're interested in. Each bonus should display its currency denomination, allowing you to confirm the currency in which it was awarded.

  • If you need to change the active currency for your account, use the provided link to access the currency settings: https://www.primewin.com/profile/wallet/balance

Here, you can select your preferred currency from the available options.

By following these steps, you can easily determine the currency of your bonus and adjust your account settings if necessary. This ensures that you have full clarity and control over your bonus rewards and account currency preferences.


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